CBSE Affiliation No. 831018 | School Code: 45957

Frequently Asked Questions

We use fun, research-based, multi-sensory strategies to help children develop early learning skills, including Lively Letters, Jolly phonics and literacy, Handwriting Without Tears, and Everyday Math. We use Responsive Classroom as the basis for our social and emotional learning curriculum throughout the school.

Our medium of teaching is English however, we offer basics for Hindi & Kannada languages across the Kindergarten, which will be 2nd and 3rd Languages as the little ones advance to primary grade.

Co-operative play is something we truly value at Presidency. Not only it has to be learned by our Preschoolers, but also it must appeal to their social instincts.

As we know that Kindergartners mimic behaviour, the best way to achieve this, is by way of ‘model play’ by our teachers and educators, showing cooperative behaviour – taking turns, acting gently, speaking in a kind manner. All of these are examples of positive reinforcement which will reflect in the child’s behaviour while playing and otherwise.

In the orientation for New Parents, you will be told where and at what time to drop your child. There will be teachers and helpers, from the school entrance to the classroom, to assist you and make your child comfortable. The First Day Circular will also explain the timings and drop off points, for the following days and weeks.

Our school timings are 8.50 am to 12.50 pm
You may drop your child off, as early as 8.30 am, 20 minutes before school.

The children will have a snack-break at around 10.20 am. Hence, it is advisable they have a good breakfast. The children have to carry a water bottle and a light snack that preferably they can eat by themselves. The snack should be nutritious and something they enjoy. It is a thirty minute break. The children return home and have their lunch.

Parents can access information instantly about their child(ren)’s classroom activities, schedule, and plans through our School Portal, which also provides access to family contact information and is where parents can update emergency contacts or the list of individuals allowed to pick up their child(ren). In addition to class specific information, all school events, notices, weekly newsletters from classroom teachers, monthly newsletters from specials teachers, Parent Association news and minutes, directory listings, school calendars, and photos live on the secure Parent Portal. In the higher grades at the Elementary School, parents can also see students’ homework assignments and test dates on the Parent Portal. In addition, we host numerous informational events for families throughout the year and send out Schoolroom Notes, our bi-annual all school newsletter, and our annual report.

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